Ralph Bellamy

Media Maker


Birthdate of Ralph Bellamy
Deathdate of Ralph Bellamy

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IMDB Person Ralph Bellamy
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Role Actor Ralph Bellamy
Bill Childers in The Magnificent Lie
Captain Ebbing in Surrender
Mike Miller in Air Mail
Deene Maxwell in Almost Married
Holland in Forbidden
Dr. Ladd in Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Jack Marbury in Wild Girl
John Bruce in The Woman in Room 13
Judge Blake in Young America
Capt. in Ace of Aces
Steve McCreary in Below the Sea
Jim Steele in Blind Adventure
Stowaway in Destination Unknown
Jeff in Ever in My Heart
'Speed' Hardy in Flying Devils
Hal Caldwell in Headline Shooter
Eric Whittenson in The Narrow Corner
Joseph B. 'Joe' Smith in Parole Girl
McLean in Picture Snatcher
Carter Cavendish in Second Hand Wife
Police Inspector Steve Trent in Before Midnight
Inspector Steve Trent in The Crime of Helen Stanley
Inspector Steve Trent in Girl in Danger
Dr. Jim Barclay in Once to Every Woman
Police Inspector Steve Trent in One Is Guilty
George Fleetwood in Spitfire
Jim Dunlap in This Man Is Mine
John Bradley in Woman in the Dark
Barry Eldon in Air Hawks
Steve Andrews in Eight Bells
Terry Gallagher in Gigolette
Allen Macklyn in Hands Across the Table
J.F. Van Avery in Helldorado
Dr. Holden in The Healer
Dr. Quentin Harden in Navy Wife
Commissioner Robert Edmonds in Rendezvous at Midnight
Fredrik Sobieski in The Wedding Night
Tony Halliday in Dangerous Intrigue
John Vickery in The Final Hour
'Slick' Rawley aka Dr. James Blake in The Man Who Lived Twice
Daniel S. 'Dan' Bailey in Roaming Lady
Curt Hayden in Straight from the Shoulder
Brian Kent in Wild Brian Kent
Daniel Leeson in The Awful Truth
Johnny Pierce in Counterfeit Lady
Russ Matthews in It Can't Last Forever
Kirk Duncan in Let's Get Married
C. Elliott Friday in Boy Meets Girl
Stephen Arden in Carefree
Dr. Paul Hallet in The Crime of Doctor Hallet
Phillip Chester in Fools for Scandal
Michael Hendragin in Girls' School
Ben Blodgett in Trade Winds
Dr. Shelby in Blind Alley
Lt. Raymond 'Ray' Dower in Coast Guard
Lieutenant Everett in Let Us Live
John Baxter in Smashing the Spy Ring
Ellery Queen in Ellery Queen, Master Detective
Bill Graves in Flight Angels
Bruce Baldwin in His Girl Friday
Lt. Brad Williams in Meet the Wildcat
Bruce Fairchild in Public Deb No. 1
FBI Agent Scott Langham in Queen of the Mob
Owen Wright in Affectionately Yours
Lieutenant Commander Lance Rogers in Dive Bomber
Ellery Queen in Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring
Ellery Queen in Ellery Queen and the Perfect Crime
Ellery Queen in Ellery Queen's Penthouse Mystery
Dr. R.L. Davis in Footsteps in the Dark
Colonel Montford in The Wolf Man
Erik Ernst in The Ghost of Frankenstein
Sir Edward Dominey in The Great Impersonation
Stanley Gardner in Lady in a Jam
Douglas Proctor in Guest in the House
Arthur Hale in Delightfully Dangerous
Jonathan Waring in Lady on a Train
Congressman Frank R. Reid in The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell
Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Sunrise at Campobello
John Ed in Cancel My Reservation
Randolph Duke in Trading Places
Frank - Grandfather in The Good Mother
Maj. Blake in Ace of Aces
Baron Leopold von Ragenstein in The Great Impersonation


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