Troy Donahue

Media Maker


Birthdate of Troy Donahue
Deathdate of Troy Donahue

Web Profile

IMDB Person Troy Donahue
IMDB Person Page


Role Actor Troy Donahue
Jimmy Flanders in Monster on the Campus
Paul Cunningham in Voice in the Mirror
Parrish McLean in Parrish
Hoyt Brecker in Susan Slade
Don Porter in Rome Adventure
Jim Munroe in Palm Springs Weekend
2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard in A Distant Trumpet
Ben Gunther in My Blood Runs Cold
Pete Barker in Come Spy with Me
Sheriff John Baxom in The Legend of Frank Woods
Lester in Tin Man
Donny Vinton in Grandview, U.S.A.
John Templeton in Low Blow
Don Michaelson in Deadly Prey
Jack Barnes in Bad Blood
Dr. Miller in The Chilling
Python in Deadly Spygames
Alan in Click: The Calendar Girl Killer
Slim in Terminal Force
Jack in Nudity Required
Record Exec in Shock 'Em Dead
Police Captain in Showdown
Moon in Sweet Savior
Larry Haughton in Sounds of Silence
Steve in South Seas
Rosenberg in Fight to Win
Police Psychiatrist in American Rampage
16080 in The Boys Behind the Desk
Mayor in Hawkeye
Daniel in Ultraje
Bill in The Phantom Gunslinger
Sheriff in The Last Stop


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